All: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Parent(s): Let us bow our heads and ask God’s blessing on each one of us.
Parent(s): Sign the forehead of each child with the sign of the cross. Then pray:
May our minds be open to new learning. May we think loving thoughts, and may we use our minds to know God. We give thanks for our minds and ask God’s blessing upon us.
All: Amen.
Parent(s): Sign the eyes of each child with the sign of the cross. Then pray:
May our eyes see the gifts and goodness of each person in our family, and may we see God in all creation and in all people. We give thanks for the gift of sight and ask God’s blessing upon us.
All: Amen.
Parent(s): Sign the ears of each child with the sign of the cross. Then pray:
May we listen with love to one another in our family, and may we always listen to God’s voice in our hearts. We give thanks for the gift of hearing and ask God’s blessing upon us.
All: Amen.
Parent(s): Sign the lips of each child with the sign of the cross. Then pray:
May we speak only words of kindness and gentleness to one another, and may we speak often to God in prayer. We give thanks for the gift of speech and ask God’s blessing upon us.
All: Amen.
Parent(s): Sign the hands of each child with the sign of the cross. Then pray:
May we reach out to help one another, and to lend a helping hand to others in need. May we touch one another only in kindness and gentleness. We give thanks for our hands and ask God’s blessing upon us.
All: Amen.
Parent(s): Sign the feet of each child with the sign of the cross. Then pray:
May our feet carry us out into the world and then safely back home again. May they allow us to walk side-by-side with each other throughout our lives. We give thanks for our feet and ask God’s blessing upon us.
All: Amen.
All: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.
Dear Jesus, our faithful friend,
You show us how to be the best friend. You loved us so much that you gave your life for us. Thank you.
Help us be there for our friends. When they are sad or hurt, give us good ears for listening. When they are happy and successful, give us loyal hearts to share their joy.
Bless us, O Lord, and all the friends who have ever shared a meal with us. By your example, may they always be welcome at our table. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.