Grade 5 Activities



As you teach this chapter, you may want to help the children to learn the Act of Faith. Duplicate this prayer for each student and pray it often with your class. It will help remind the children that faith is an invitation from God that we are free to respond to in love.

1 Click here to download the "Act of Faith"



Duplicate this page to help the children learn the names and abbreviations of the books of the Bible.

1 Click here to download "The Books of the Bible and Their Abbreviations"



Share this legend with the children to help them understand how St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, taught the pagan king of Ireland about the mystery of the Holy Trinity.

1 Click here to download "The Legend of St. Patrick and the Shamrock"



In this chapter, the children learned how important the province of Galilee and the Sea of Galilee were to Jesus' ministry. The children may want to learn more about what life was like for people living in this area in Jesus' time. They can research the foods people ate, occupations, tools, clothing, and other aspects of rural life in the first century A.D. You may want to distribute the book list below to help the students in their research or, if possible, arrange to have these books and other research materials on hand in your classroom. Check with your resource center librarian or your local community librarian for the titles of other appropriate books.

Have the students work in small cooperative groups for this project. Assign each group a topic. Once they complete their research, each group can chose how to present what they learned to the class. The presentations could include written reports, dioramas, panel discussions, skits, or other creative way of sharing what the group learned.

1 Click here to download "Special Readings"



Here's a craft activity that will help the children continue to explore the images and qualities of God that where discussed in Chapter 5.

1 Click here to download "Images of God"



In Chapter 6, the children learned the titles we use to identify Jesus as true God and true man. They also learned that we honor Mary as Jesus' mother and our mother too. The Rosary is a devotion that recalls the major events in the lives of both Jesus and Mary. Read the story below to your group to help them understand how devotion to the Rosary developed.

1 Click here to download "The History of the Rosary"



In this chapter, the children learn about the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus. You can help the children understand this material by getting them involved in a press conference.

1 Click here to download "Holding a Press Conference"



In this chapter, the children learn about the Holy Spirit and the Last Supper. You are encouraged to role-play the Last Supper with the children. Use the following suggestions to help the children imagine the Last Supper.

1 Click here to download "Imagining the Last Supper"



In this chapter, the children learned about the work of the Holy Spirit. They read what the prophet Ezekiel wrote about the Holy Spirit. Use the activity below to help the children learn more about this great prophet.

1 Click here to download "The Prophet Ezekiel"



In this chapter, the children learn about the Church as the Body of Christ. They read about all the people that make up the Body of Christ. If at all possible, invite in at least one guest to come and talk to the children about how they live as members of the Body of Christ.

1 Click here to download "Inviting Guests"



In this chapter, the children learn about the liturgical year. You may wish to extend the lesson with the following activity.

1 Click here to download "Decorating the Church for a Liturgical Season"



In this chapter the children learn about baptism and confirmation. The Guide suggests that the children talk to their godparents about their baptism. After the children have talked with their godparents, you can take them to the church for this ritual.

1 Click here to download "Remembering Our Baptism"



In this chapter, the children read about Pentecost, as the Jewish people celebrated it in Jesus' time. As part of the celebration, it was customary for people to bake bread and bring it to the Temple as an offering to God. Invite the children to prepare bread from simple recipes with their families. Then they can bring in their bread to share with the rest of the group. Use the following list to assure a variety of breads.

1 Click here to download "Making Bread"



In this chapter, the children learn about the Eucharist. This is an appropriate time to invite a guest to talk to the children about Eucharistic adoration.

1 Click here to download "Inviting a Guest"



In this chapter, the children learn about the Corinthians and read a letter that Paul wrote to the Corinthians. Paul asked the people to show more reverence and respect for the Eucharist. This is an appropriate time to talk about how we show reverence and respect when we go to Mass.

1 Click here to download "Discussing Reverence at Mass"



In this chapter, the children learn about the sacrament of Reconciliation. Help the children understand that we can incorporate some of what we learn about reconciliation into our everyday lives. We can learn how to ask forgiveness and be forgiving with one another. Here is a way to help the children prepare and present skits about forgiveness.

1 Click here to download "Preparing and Presenting Reconciliation Skits"



In this chapter, the children learn about the Sacraments at the Service of Communion. Have the children pantomime how bishops, priests, and deacons serve us. Use the list below to help the children know what to pantomime.

1 Click here to download "Pantomiming Service of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons"



In this chapter, the children learn about making good decisions. They learn that the Holy Spirit helps us to make good decisions. These children are moving into an age where they are making more and more decisions for themselves. This is an excellent time to encourage them to pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance.

1 Click here to download "Praying to the Holy Spirit"



In this chapter, the children learn about the Beatitudes. Follow the directions below to help the children understand that Jesus' message was for all of us.

1 Click here to download "Making a Mural"



In this chapter the children learn about God's grace. This could be a nice time to teach the children the song, "Amazing Grace."

1 Click here to download "Singing About Grace"



In this chapter, the children learn about God and love. With the children, read Psalm 139 and think of gestures to accompany the psalm. Use the children's translation of Psalm 139 below.

1 Click here to download "Psalm 139"



In this chapter, the children learn about the Ten commandments. Use the following game to help the children memorize the Ten Commandments.

1 Click here to download "Playing a Ten Commandments Game



In this chapter, the children learn about the Fourth through Tenth Commandments. This is an appropriate time to help the children understand that boys and girls can be great friends with each other without being boyfriends and girlfriends. Use the activity below to help the children recognize the characteristics in each other that make them good friends.

1 Click here to download "Characteristics of Friendship"



In this chapter, the children learn about Jesus and prayer. They read about the power of prayer and praying with confidence. This is an appropriate time to give the children an opportunity to pray for one another. Follow the directions below to set-up prayer partners within the group.

1 Click here to download "Setting-up Prayer Partners"



In this chapter, the children learn about people of prayer. They read about people in religious communities. Follow the directions below and invite a guest from a religious community to talk with the children.

1 Click here to download "Inviting a Guest from a Religious Community"



In this chapter, the children learn more about the Our Father. Follow the directions below for making Our Father bookmarks.

1 Click here to download "Making Our Father Bookmarks"