Saint: Pope John XXIII

Blessed Pope John XXIII


Click for a message from Pope John XXIII
From its very beginning, the Church has had leaders who have helped us in our search for God. Pope John XXIII was one of those leaders. Pope John XXIII was pope from 1958 until he died in 1963.

Angelo Roncalli was born November 25, 1881, in the village of Sotto il Monto (Under the Mountain) in Burgamo, a small town in Northern Italy. Even when Angelo was a young boy, his parents knew that he was not like his brothers and sisters. Angelo would not grow up to be the farmer his father wished for. The local priest, Father Francesco Rebuzzini, guided and tutored young Angelo. Angelo was ordained a priest in 1904. When he became pope more than fifty years later, he took the name John, his father’s name. When asked why he took the name of John he said, “The name John is dear to me because it is the name of my father. It is dear because it is the title of the humble parish church where we received Baptism.”

Pope John XXIII is most remembered for calling the Second Vatican Council in 1962. This was a meeting of all the bishops of the Church. Pope John XXIII wanted them to help the whole Church understand better the role and purpose of the Church in the modern world. The documents written by this council still help Christians to better live as followers of Christ in our own time.

Pope John XXIII is also remembered for his great love and compassion for all of God’s people, and was known as a very kindly man.

Connecting to Faith First® Legacy Edition
Grade 5, chapters 1 and 11
Grade 6, chapter 22
Junior High, Mystery of God, chapter 6
Junior High, Jesus in the New Testament, chapter 4
Junior High, Morality, chapter 3

Connecting to Faith First®

Grade 5, chapter 1
Grade 6, chapter 22
Junior High, Creed and Prayer, chapters 17 and 24