The following chart correlates the Faith First religion series to the Sunday readings for the Lectionary, Year A, Year B, and Year C. (Scroll down to download the charts.)
- The Sundays are listed in the same order as the Lectionary, so they are not necessarily in sequential order for dates. This is because the dates and the numbering of the Ordinary Time Sundays change from year to year. This means that after the Baptism of the Lord Sunday you will have to move to the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. You would then remain in Ordinary Time until the First Sunday of Lent. After Pentecost, you would again return to Ordinary Time.
- All chapters for Faith First Grades 1 through Junior High are used in the course of the year with the exception of those noted at the conclusion of the chart. Some chapters may be referenced more than once.
- All of the themes for the Faith First At Home Family Guide are used.
- Occasionally there is not a correlated chapter listed for a particular grade.
- The doctrinal themes for each Sunday also correlate with RCL's Foundations in Faith materials for use with the RCIA process.
Lectionary Correlation to Faith First Kindergarten-Junior High and Faith First At Home Family Guide
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