Faith Concepts
1. God made me; God made me because he loves me; God gave me many gifts; I am a child of God
2. My senses are gifts from God; My senses help me learn about the world; My senses help me learn about God’s love
3. The sky, sun, moon, and stars are gifts from God; The water and land are gifts from God and signs of God’s love; We take care of the water and the land; We show our love for God
4. Fish, birds, and animals are gifts from God; All creatures are signs of God’s love; Plants and flowers are gifts from God; God made everything good in the world; All creation is a sign of God’s love
5. God creates people to be like him; People are God’s greatest creation; God makes all people good; We show our love for God; We show our love for people
6. The Bible is a special book from God; The Bible is God’s own word to us; The Bible is a holy book; God tells us about his love for us in the Bible; The Bible tells us about Jesus
Catechism of the Catholic Church
26–35, 101–104, 279–308, 355–361
Sacred Scripture
Genesis 1:1–5, 9–13, 16–26 Psalms 139:14 Matthew 2:1–12 John 10:1–8 Romans 1:20; 9:26 2 Timothy 3:16
Thanking God for all of
Faith Concepts
7. God made a special promise to Noah; God loves all people and animals; God promised to care for people and animals; The rainbow is a sign that God loves us and cares for us
8. My family is a gift from God; My family loves me and takes care of me; My family helps me know God; My family helps me show my love for God
9. The Church is my home in God’s family; There are many people in my church family; My church family helps me know God; My church family helps me show my love for God
10. God the Father sent his Son, Jesus, to us; God chose Mary to be the mother ofJesus; Joseph cared for Mary and Jesus; Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are called the Holy Family
11. Zacchaeus listened to Jesus; Zacchaeus was kind and fair to people; Jesus taught us to be kind and fair to one another
12. Jesus taught people about God’s love for all people; Jesus told stories about God’s love; Jesus helped people who were sick; Jesus helped people who were hungry; I tell other people about God’s love
13. Jesus promised that he would always be with us; We can talk to Jesus anywhere and anytime; We tell other people about Jesus
Catechism of the Catholic Church
56–64, 73, 218–220, 301, 456, 459, 463, 520, 531–534, 606–607, 609, 639–655, 770–786, 2055, 2204–2207
Sacred Scripture
Genesis 6–9 Matthew 5:15–16; 28:20 Luke 1:26–38; 15:11–24; 19:1–8 Galatians 3:26 1 Peter 2:10
Bible Enthronement; Blessings; Celebrating God’s love; Litany; Sign of the Cross
Faith Concepts
14. Jesus told people to let the children come to him; Jesus taught that everyone is to live as a child of God; Things I do and say show that I am a child of God and a friend of Jesus
15. Jesus gave us the Church; The Church is made up of friends of Jesus; Baptism makes us members of the Church; Baptism makes us special friends of Jesus
16. The Mass is the special celebration of the Church; We go to Mass on Sundays and on other special days; We come together in our parish church; At Mass we listen to the Bible; At Mass Jesus is with us in a special way; At Mass we say thank you to God for his love
17. The saints live with God in heaven; Mary is the greatest saint; We honor Mary and the other saints; We pray to Mary and the other saints
18. Jesus taught that the Holy Spirit is our teacher and helper; The Holy Spirit helps us learn about Jesus; The Holy Spirit helps us pray; The Holy Spirit helps us live as friends of Jesus
Catechism of the Catholic Church
542–546, 567, 683–686, 737, 954–962, 1211–1213, 1324–1327, 1416, 1566
Sacred Scripture
Matthew 18:20; 28:19 Luke 1:26–38 Mark 10:13–16 John 14:16, 26 Acts 2:1–13 1 Corinthians 1:2
Calling on the Holy Spirit; Litany of saints; Mass responses
Faith Concepts
19. We choose to do and say things each day; Some choices we make are good choices; Other choices we make are bad choices; The Holy Spirit helps us make good choices; Our good choices can help people
20. Jesus’ choices showed his love for God the Father; Jesus taught us to love God too; Our families teach us to love God; Our good choices show our love for God
21. Jesus told a story about choosing to help other people; Jesus taught us to love other people; We are kind to other people; This shows that we love other people
22. God gave us the gift of life; We can love and be kind; We can think and learn; Caring for ourselves is one way we say thank you to God for the gift of life
23. God gave us many feelings; We feel happy when we make good choices; We feel sad when we make bad choices; Saying “I am sorry” is choosing to show love for God and for other people
24. Jesus prayed to God the Father; Jesus taught us to pray to God the Father as he did; We tell God the Father that we love him
Catechism of the Catholic Church
587–589, 1731–1734, 2083–2195, 2196, 2759–2865
Sacred Scripture
Isaiah 7:15 Matthew 6:9–13; 22:37–39
Luke 2:41–52; 10:29–37; 11:1–14; 15:21
Celebrating forgiveness; Our Father; Sign of peace; Thanking God for the gift of life
We Celebrate Special Days
Advent and Christmas
All Saint’s Day
The Holy Family
Mary Our Mother
Mary’s Birthday
St. Joseph
Thanksgiving Day
Valentine’s Day