Grade 3 Activities



In chapter 1, you and the children focus on the Holy Trinity. This is an appropriate time to share the Glory prayer with them.
You might like to make a copy of the prayer for each of the children. Invite them to cut out and decorate the prayer to make a holy card.
Point out to the children that the Glory prayer is in the Catholic Prayers & Practices section at the back of their texts.

1 Click here to download "Glory Prayer"



In Chapter 2, the children learn about God's wonderful creation. Use the following format to help the children write a psalm which praises and thanks God for their favorite gifts of creation.

1 Click here to download "A Creation Psalm"



In this chapter, the children learn about Mary. They read the story of the Annunciation. Use the script below to involve the entire group in reading the story.

1 Click here to download "The Annunciation



In chapter 4, the children learn about four women who are women of faith. These women were models of faith for Mary. All five women are models of faith for the children today. The children are asked to name someone they know who are models of faith. You might like to extend this lesson with one of the following ideas.

• Use the form below to help the children write letters to the people of faith they know.

• Pray a litany with the children. Use the names of the people of faith in the litany. Lead the litany, pausing for the children to offer the names of the people of faith. Invite all the children to recite the response together.

1 Click here to download "A Letter to a Person of Faith/Praying a Litany"



In chapter 5, the children learn about the Holy Family, Mary, Joseph and Jesus. The children read about how Mary and Joseph shared their love of God with Jesus. Mary and Joseph are models for all parents. This is an appropriate time to share a family blessing with the children. Make copies of this blessing, and encourage the children to share the blessing with their families. You might like to invite the children to decorate the blessing. Encourage them to display the blessing in their homes.

1 Click here to download "A Family Blessing"



In chapter 6, the children learn about the Paschal Mystery. This is an appropriate time to talk to them about the memorial acclamation. We say or sing the memorial acclamation during the Eucharistic prayer at Mass. Use the acclamation included below to review the Paschal Mystery with the children.

1 Click here to download "Memorial Acclamation"



In this chapter, the children learn about the Holy Spirit. They will learn a variety of names and symbols for the Holy Spirit. Invite the children to make prayer cards to help the children remember that the Holy Spirit is with them at all times.

1 Click here to download "Making Prayer Cards"



In this chapter, the children learn about the sacrament of Baptism. Through Baptism, we become members of the Church. This is an appropriate time to give the children an opportunity to welcome the newly baptized members in their parish.

1 Click here to download "Making Welcome Cards for the Newly Baptized"



In this chapter, the children learn about the apostle Paul. To help the children visualize Paul prior to his conversion, invite volunteers to spontaneously act out Who Was Saint Paul? as you read aloud.

1 Click here to download "Acting Out The Story"



In this chapter, the children learn about the communion of saints. They read that the communion of saints includes living people who are trying to live holy lives. Use the following activity to help the children honor people they know who are trying to live holy lives.

1 Click here to download "Making Communion of Saints Cards"



In this chapter, the children learn about the liturgical year. This is an appropriate time to help the children understand more about the liturgical environment. Consider inviting a guest who serves on the Environment or Liturgy Committee.

1 Click here to download "Inviting a Guest"



In this chapter, the children learn about the sacraments and sacramentals. This is an appropriate time to invite the children to bring in any saramentals they may have and bless them.

1 Click here to download "Blessing Sacramentals"



In this chapter, the children learn about the Mass. This is an appropriate time to review the parts of the Mass with the children. Try playing charades to review the Mass.

1 Click here to download "Playing Charades"



In this chapter, the children read the scripture story of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. Play "Simon Says" with the children to help them learn and recall a number of liturgical gestures and prayer postures.

1 Click here to download "Playing "Simon Says"



In this chapter, the learn about forgiveness. Sometimes children this age have difficulty knowing the difference between a choice and an accident. Download the following activity to help the children recognize the difference.

1 Click here to download "Complete the Vignettes"



In this chapter, the children read the story of the Wedding at Cana. This is an appropriate time to discuss some of the other miracle stories.

1 Click here to download "Exploring Miracle Stories"



In this chapter, the children learned about the Sacraments at the Service of Communion, Matrimony and Holy Orders. This would be a great time to invite a priest and married couple to come and talk with the children. Follow the directions in the activity below.

1 Click here to download "Inviting Guests: A Priest and a Married Couple"



In this chapter, the children learn about the Great Commandment. Invite the children to present skits to help them name ways they can love God, love themselves, and love others.

1 Click here to download "Presenting Skits"



In this chapter the children learn about the Ten Commandments. Follow the directions below to help the children understand the importance of rules.

1 Click here to download "Asking "What If?"



In this chapter the children learn the last seven commandments. As you conclude this chapter, follow the directions below to help the children better understand all the commandments.

1 Click here to download "Illustrating the Ten Commandments"



In this chapter, the children learn about the psalms. This is an appropriate time to help the children understand that we pray the psalms at Mass when we sing the repsonsorial psalm. Follow the directions below to help the children better understand the responsorial psalm.

1 Click here to download "Singing the Responsorial Psalm"



In this chapter, the children learn about grace, heaven, saints, and funerals. This is an appropriate time to invite a guest to talk to the children about their experience of the funeral ministry in your parish.

1 Click here to download "Inviting a Guest"



In this chapter, the children learn the Our Father. This would be an appropriate time for children who know different languages to teach the group the Our Father in another language. Or, you can use the prayer below to teach the children the Our Father in Spanish.

1 Click here to download "Praying the Our Father In Spanish"



In this chapter, the children learn about being people of prayer and about parish payer. This is an appropriate time to invite a guest from your parish to talk to the children about prayer ministry. Follow the directions below.

1 Click here to download "Inviting a Guest"



In this chapter, the children learn about the Apostles' Creed. Follow the directions below to have the children write their own creeds.

1 Click here to download "Writing Creeds"



In this chapter, the children learned about Mary. They also learned the Hail Mary prayer. Since the Hail Mary is not a prayer we say at Mass, take some extra time to help the children become more familiar with this prayer that honors Mary. Download the activity for Hail Mary jigsaw puzzles below.

1 Click here to download "Hail Mary Jigsaw Puzzles"