Jesus in the New Testament Activities


In this chapter, the children learned about God’s Covenant. As you begin a new catechetical year, this is an appropriate time to make a class covenant. Together write an agreement that all participants promise to follow each session.

1 Click here to download “Making a Class Covenant”


In this chapter, the children learned about all four Gospel writers, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They learnd that each Evangelist told their own unique story about the life of Jesus. Like the Evangelists, artists depict Jesus according to what they want others to know about Jesus. Follow the directions below to complete a parish religious art inventory with the children.

1 Click here to download “Religious Art Inventory”


In this chapter, the children took an in-depth look at the Gospel of Mark. They learned that the Church continues the mission and work of Jesus. Explore how your parish continues the mission and work of Jesus.

1 Click here to download “Setting Up a Parish Panel”


In this chapter, the children read about the Second Vatican Council. This was such a significant event in the history of the Catholic Church that you may want to spend more time looking into Vatican II with the children. Since there are so many people around who have lived before, during and after Vatican II, consider setting up a panel so that the children can hear the stories of these people.

1 Click here to download “Setting up a Vatican II Panel”


In this chapter the children read about living the Corporal Works of Mercy. Download and print the activity below to complete a Corporal Works of Mercy parish inventory.

1 Click here to download "Corporal Works of Mercy parish inventory"


In this chapter, the children took a closer look into the Gospel of John. A significant topic in this chapter is the “I am” sayings. Follow the directions below to complete an activity that will help the children better understand and appreciate these Bible verses.

1 Click here to download “John’s ‘I am’ Sayings”


In this chapter, the children learned about the Apostle Paul and his Letter to the Romans. In this letter, Paul celebrates God’s grace given to us in Baptism. Follow the directions below to bless the children with water as part of a prayer ritual.

1 Click here to download “Water Ritual”


In the early Church, Paul proclaimed the good news to people through his travels and his letters. Today, the bishops throughout the world proclaim the Gospel and remind the people of the Church of our responsibility to live according to God’s laws. The National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) and the United States Catholic Conference (USCC) are the organizations of Catholic hierarchy in the United States. Through these organizations, the bishops in our country fulfill their responsibilities of leadership and service to the Church. Follow the directions below to have the children write to their local bishop.

1 Click here to download “Writing to the Bishop”


In this chapter the children learned that in his Letter to the Colossians, Paul teaches that love is the greatest virtue. Follow the directions below to help the children focus on the message of love.

1 Click here to download “Love Song Charades”


In this chapter, the children learned from the Letter of James that we need to put our faith into action. This is an appropriate time for the children to get to know people in the community who put their faith into action. These people are living saints. Follow the directions below to help the children interview living saints.

1 Click here to download “Interviewing Living Saints”


In this chapter, the children learned from the Letter to the Hebrews that faith involves commitment. This is an appropriate time for the children to find out more about a martyr who has been a model of faith and commitment for them.

1 Click here to download “Researching a Martyr”


In this chapter, the children took a close look at the meaning of the Our Father. Follow the directions below to help the children express their understanding of this prayer with an artistic representation.

1 Click here to download “Praying the Our Father with Art”