Grade 2 Activities



Second graders enjoy telling others about themselves. You might like to begin your catechetical year with an opportunity for all the children to share something about themselves. Use the format below to encourage the children to thank God for one another and find out more about each child.

1Click here to download "Thanking God for One Another"



In Chapter 2, the children learn about the Holy Trinity. This is an appropriate time to review the Sign of the Cross with the children.

Remind the children that we show our belief in the Holy Trinity each time we make the Sign of the Cross. Ask the children to notice how many times we make the Sign of the Cross at Mass. Throughout the year, invite volunteers to begin prayer time by leading the group in making the Sign of the Cross.

1Click here to download "The Sign of the Cross"



In Chapter 3, the children that Jesus taught us that God is our Father. Use the prayer below to help the children learn the Lord's Prayer. Make copies of the prayer and encourage everyone to decorate it and share it with their families.

1Click here to download "The Lord's Prayer"



In Chapter 4, the children read Psalm 148. You might want to provide an opportunity for the children to spontaneously act out Psalm 148.

1Click here to download "Acting Out Psalm 148"



In Chapter 5, the children read about God's promise to Noah. This is an appropriate time to share Noah's story with them.

1Click here to download "Noah's Story"



In Chapter 6, the children read the story of John the Baptist. Invite volunteers to retell John's story. Retelling the story will help them remember it.

Make copies of John's story. Cut the stories into strips for the children. Provide time for the children to put the story strips in order. Invite volunteers to retell the story using the story strips.

1 Click here to download the "Story of John the Baptist"



Bring the children to church to look at the Stations of the Cross. As the children look at the stations, be sure to tell them what each station represents.

Drawing the Stations
After the children have seen the stations at church, have the children make a set of stations for your room. Divide the children into fifteen groups. Allow each group to choose a number 1-15. Then ask each group to draw their station. Post the stations around the room. You might like to save the stations and post them again during Lent.

1 Click here to download "The Stations of the Cross"



In this chapter, the children learn about the scripture story, The Traveler on the Road to Emmaus. Invite the children to make puppets and retell the story. To prepare the children for this activity, you will need to be sure they know the story very well. Use the following process (see download) to help the children become familiar with the story.

1 Click here to download "Becoming Familiar with the Scripture Story"



In this chapter, the children learn about the Holy Spirit. They read about how the Holy Spirit came to the disciples on Pentecost. Pentecost is the birthday of the Church. Follow the directions below to make bookmarks that will remind the children about the meaning of Pentecost.

1 Click here to download "Making Bookmarks"



In this chapter, the children learn that the people of God are the Church. Use the following activity to help them understand that they are the Body of Christ in the world today.

1 Click here to download "Living as the Body of Christ"



In this chapter the children learn about all seven sacraments. This is an appropriate time to assess how familiar the children are with the sacraments. Use the following activity to discover the children's prior sacramental experiences.

1 Click here to download "Discovering Sacramental Experiences"



In this chapter, the children learn about baptism and confirmation. The Guide suggests that the children share stories about their baptism. Use the activity below to help the children explain the activity to their parents/guardians.

1 Click here to download "Sharing Baptismal Treasures and Stories"



In this chapter, the children read the scripture story of the Forgiving Father. This parable is one of the most famous. Use the following ideas to make this story come alive for the children.

1 Click here to download "Making A Costume Box/Acting Out the Story"



In this chapter, the children learn about God's forgiveness. This is an appropriate time to learn the Act of Contrition. Use the Act of Contrition below, or have the children look in the Catholic Prayers & Practices section in the back of their books.

1 Click here to download "Praying the Act of Contrition"



In this chapter the children learn about the Liturgy of the Word. This is an appropriate time to go to the church and practice our responses with the children.

1 Click here to download "Learning Our Responses for the Liturgy of the Word"



In this chapter, the children learn that we remember the Last Super at Mass. As you teach this chapter, you need to help the children imagine what the Last Supper may have been like. Use the ideas below as you read the story of the Last Supper to the children.

1Click here to download "Imagining the Last Supper"



In this chapter the children learn about the Liturgy of the Eucharist. This is an appropriate time to go to the church and practice our responses in the Eucharistic Prayer with the children.

1Click here to download "Learning Our Responses for Eucharistic Prayer"



In this chapter, the children learn that Jesus taught us to honor all people as children of God. Follow the directions below to have the children make a mural of Jesus welcoming all of them.

1Click here to download "Making a Mural"



In this chapter the children learn the Great Commandment. They also read about missionaries. If possible, invite someone to talk to the children about a mission experience.

1Click here to download "Inviting A Guest"



In this chapter the children learn about how the Ten Commandments teach us to show our love for others. Follow the directions below to help the children better understand what it means to show respect for someone.

1Click here to download "Respecting Others"



In this chapter, the children learn about the Book of Proverbs. In Old Testament times, people did not read, so they memorized the Proverbs. Invite the children to memorize a Proverb. You might like to invite the children to put their proverbs to actions or gestures in order to help them memorize.

1Click here to download "Putting Actions to the Proverbs"



In this chapter the children learn about making good choices. They read that Jesus taught us how to make good choices. Use the following scripture stories about making choices and use them for discussion with the children.

1Click here to download "Scripture Stories about Making Choices"



In this chapter, the children learn about making choices. Follow the directions below to help the children practice making decisions and recognizing which decisions are good, better, and best.

1Click here to download "Playing Good, Better, Best"



In this chapter, the children learn about praying during the day. This is an appropriate time to have the children become more familiar with the prayers, "Grace Before Meals" and "Grace After Meals." Follow the directions below for making prayer table tents.

1Click here to download "Making Meal Prayer Table Tents"



In this chapter, the children learn that Jesus taught us the Our Father. Follow the directions below for a puzzle activity that helps the children become more familiar with this prayer.

1Click here to download "Assembling the Our Father Puzzles"



In this chapter, the children learn what the Our Father means. Follow the directions below for a puzzle activity that will help the children better understand this prayer. This activity continues from the activity for chapter 25.

1Click here to download "Assembling the Meaning of the Our Father Puzzles"